About Me

Twin Falls, Idaho
I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids. Two of which I got through IVF. The third one just a miracle! We're trying for a fourth with one miscarriage since our third. I've had 3 miscarriage and one ectopic pregnancy. Did 3 rounds of IUI's and then 2 rounds of IVF's. Been through a lot and wanted a place where we could all talk about it. Share you're stories with me, jldxango@hotmial.com.

Monday, March 22, 2010

much needed update

I can't believe it's been a year since I've posted to this
blog. I know there are a ton of stories out there that
haven't been shared of infertility so if you want to
start talking about it again, please email me your
story to jldxango@hotmail.com and I will post it on
here. There have been quite a few people previously
who posted that were connected with someone with
a similar situation that was able to help and I know
how nice it is to be able to talk with someone about

Since my last post I have had another baby and he
is 10 months old already and I just wanted to say
that I had to do 4 rounds of AI and 2 rounds of IVF's
before I had my twins and then miraculously I got
pregnant on my own with Kaden. I did have 2
miscarriages in between and one was an ectopic
pregnancy, but I still think it gives hope out there
to some of you who wonder if it's possible.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hi Jana! I just came here to find the Clearblue Easy reset instructions posted a while ago. Congrats on your new little one! We're still trying. Going on 2 1/2 years trying for #2. We're planning to do IUI next.