Well I found your blog just linking from one of my friends
to one of her's. I have been going through fertility issues
the past year. I have identical twin girls who are almost
four and a little boy who is almost 2. I never thought that
fertility would be an issue for me. In the past year, I have
had 2 miscarriages and since the last one have been trying
for almost 7 months with no luck of anything. I got a really
bad infection at the hospital after my little boy was born.
When that happened I felt strongly that it would effect my
future, but though the doctors still don't know exactly what
I had, they still are trying to assure me that that is not why
we are having problems now. The miscarriages I have had
both occurred because the egg stops growing as soon as it
implants. Anyways. If anyone has gone through a similar
thing I would love to hear about it. What a great blog you
have. My family blog is emmettandashlee.blogspot.com
I also have a Mom blog beingamomma.blogspot.com
Thanks for the great blog. It is nice to hear stories and
talk to other's who know how you feel. Thanks, Ashlee
p.s. I hope it's okay I posted you're blogs here, if not let
me know a.s.a.p. and I'll remove them! Jana
One onsie at a time FOLLOW UP
5 years ago