About Me

Twin Falls, Idaho
I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids. Two of which I got through IVF. The third one just a miracle! We're trying for a fourth with one miscarriage since our third. I've had 3 miscarriage and one ectopic pregnancy. Did 3 rounds of IUI's and then 2 rounds of IVF's. Been through a lot and wanted a place where we could all talk about it. Share you're stories with me, jldxango@hotmial.com.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

reply for salt lake doctor

Hi Jana...I enjoy your blog. I am a friend of Brandi
McMillen. IVF is our only option and we hope to do
it next year sometime. I read that someone wanted
a referral for the Salt Lake Area. My RE is Harry
Hatasaka at the University of Utah. Like I said, I
haven't gone through with IVF but we have met him
for the initial exams/ultrasounds. He is great. I have
one friend that has done IVF 2 times with him and they
loved him. Hope that helps someone out.

Chalet Schenk


Emily said...

Thank you!

Emily said...

P.S. I'm a friend of Brandi McMillen's too! We grew up in the same ward and have recently reconnected through blogs.

Bree said...

Jana you are amazing!

The Ross Family said...

I just went to Dr Peterson at the University of Utah. He is in the same group as Dr Hatasaka and I absolutely loved him. I would highly recommend him to anyone! Because of him my husband and I are expecting twins. Miracle!