About Me

Twin Falls, Idaho
I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids. Two of which I got through IVF. The third one just a miracle! We're trying for a fourth with one miscarriage since our third. I've had 3 miscarriage and one ectopic pregnancy. Did 3 rounds of IUI's and then 2 rounds of IVF's. Been through a lot and wanted a place where we could all talk about it. Share you're stories with me, jldxango@hotmial.com.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

more, more, more..............

I got on my email and I was so happy to see 3 stories in one
night!!!! Thanks ladies. If any of you reading these posts
have been there and don't want to share your whole story,
but may have some advice, please comment. Also I would
really appreciate any of you who could link this blog on your
personal blog so more people have the opportunity to look
at it. Thanks to those of you who already have. Most of
the hits have been from you. I will be posting again soon!

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