About Me

Twin Falls, Idaho
I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids. Two of which I got through IVF. The third one just a miracle! We're trying for a fourth with one miscarriage since our third. I've had 3 miscarriage and one ectopic pregnancy. Did 3 rounds of IUI's and then 2 rounds of IVF's. Been through a lot and wanted a place where we could all talk about it. Share you're stories with me, jldxango@hotmial.com.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Where to begin?

After I was married we thought we'd wait to have kids for a year.
Don't we wish we had the choice! I never thought I
would have fertility problems. My mom, sister and grandma's-
you name it were all as fertile as could be, so why wouldn't I be?
This was a fertility stumper, hence the name of the blog. We tried
for a couple of years and talked to my OB about it and he acted
like it was no biggie. Then about 6 months later we talked to a
different doctor who said that after 12 months of trying, with
no conception is considered infertile. WhO KnEw?! So we first
tried chlomid for 6 months.....nothing. We were then sent to
Boise to figure things out. We started with arificial insemanation.
no, No, NO, and NOOOOOOOOOOO. Four times and nothing.
What a bummer. My husband didn't mind doing this process,
the nurses told him everytime how much his sperm count was
and to this day hasn't forgot to remind me that it's off the charts.
(He's pretty proud:) We decide to move on to bigger and better
things. IVF. Invitro Ferilization. What an ordeal. Lots of shots
and bloating and bruises on your hips and back. We harvested
23 eggs from this process and were very optimistic about it. We
went in the day we were suppposed to have it done and I tell ya,
I had a bad feeling about it. Just a feeling like, 'wait, wait, wait,
it's not going to work.' After the long wait, stress and now
desperation to have kids I didn't listen to that still small voice
and we did it anyway. I'm sure you all know the outcome of
that one. No luck. The thaw of the eggs for the first IVF
produced only 12 good eggs and we used 3 of them. After all
this anguish and lack of hope they decide to do a laparoscopy
(i'm not sure how to spell any of these big words and I'm too
lazy to look them up, so hopefully you get the gyst). Lo and
behold, tons of endometriosis and cysts all up in me. I thought
to myself, why are we just checking for this now? They cleaned
me out and after I took a little time to heal we were ready to try
again. This time the thaw produced only four eggs so we just took
a chance and put them all in. Finally, success!! Boy was I nervous
on the drive to find out how many babies I would be having. I
would barely talk to my husband. He'd try and talk to me and I
would literally tell him to be quiet. We were hoping and praying
for 2 and that's what we got. We were so lucky to have had a boy
and girl to help start our family. They were born 6 weeks early,
Macy was 5lbs 12oz. and Brady was 3lbs 7oz. they stayed in
Intensive Care for 2 and 4 weeks. That's another post on how
to cope with all that! Luckily they are healthy now and they will
be turning 3 in December-time has flown by! I know I didn't
tell too many of the details, but I would be happy to help
anybody with questions they might have. My advice to anyone
doing fertility treatments would be to make sure you don't do
any evasive treatment without knowing for sure that you've done
everything you can to make sure your body is ready for that
treatment. We spent so much money on things that I think would
have worked had I gotten rid of all that stuff in my body. After all
is said and done all of the work paid off and I am absolutely happy
of the outcome. There are more stories to come though. I've had
some trials having more children since, but I'll save that for
another post. Now, please.................email me your stories and
make sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think


Cheri said...

Thanks for sharing Jana. I think it's great to get something like this started. I know a surprising number of women who have serious fertitlity issues and I think taking about it and sharing is really good for them. This kind of choked me up, very sweet.

paulak said...

I love this blog. You did a great job putting it together, very impressed. I will sit down sometime and send you my story to post. I worry that my infertility will go in a different direction though, I hope that is not a problem. Thank you for sharing. I love sharing our story, so I will get on that, soon.

Nick and Jera Donner said...

This blog is such a good idea. My husband Nick and I have been trying since February. I know it takes up to one year for a doc to even consider fertility options. I just have this feeling it is going to be more of a challenge for us....I think all women have that fear if they don't get pregnant right away. My twinsister has 3 kids!! Most of my friends got pregnant right away. I try not to stress about it but its hard not to. :)

Jaylynn said...

I love this idea Jana. Looks good and ya, I will try to email you my stories as well this week. Mine aren't as major as yours or as some, but several miscarriages later, i've learned a few things about em. Mostly they aren't fun either.

The Staheli's said...

This is a wonderful blog. It's set up so nicely and it's great to be able to hear so many people's stories. I will definately be adding a link to my blog. Thank You.