About Me

Twin Falls, Idaho
I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids. Two of which I got through IVF. The third one just a miracle! We're trying for a fourth with one miscarriage since our third. I've had 3 miscarriage and one ectopic pregnancy. Did 3 rounds of IUI's and then 2 rounds of IVF's. Been through a lot and wanted a place where we could all talk about it. Share you're stories with me, jldxango@hotmial.com.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Taking Charge of your Fertility


My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about
a year and a half now, It is so frustrating and i am so glad
that somebody decided to blog about it. It is so nice to talk
to other people who have been or are going through similar
things. I am tired of talking to all of my friends and family
who got pregnant so easily. It is getting hard for me to smile
back when they look at me and say "I guess I'm just a fertile
Mertile, it only took us one try". Well I am not and it is
bugging the crap out of me! :) Well anyway we are just
beginning the process of going to the doctors to see if they can
help. But I am reading a book right now that I think will help
anyone that is trying to get pregnant. It is called "Taking
Charge of your Fertility" By: Toni Weschler. It is an amazing
book and I wish I would have read it a year ago. It gives
women so much information about their bodies and how they
work. It also talks about how to chart your cycle each month
so that you know exactly when you are ovulating and how to
tell if you are pregnant at an early stage (that way you don't
have to wait for a missed period just to be dissapointed when
you start). I have found it very helpful in determining what
is wrong with me and why my husband and I haven't been able
to get pregnant. By reading the book you can know more about
your body and help the doctor determine what is wrong with
you on your first visit, that way you save a ton of money on
testing. Like I said I have only been charting for about 5 days
and I think I already know what the problem might be. Anyway,
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has been or
wants to start trying to concieve. Hopefully it won't be long for
my husband and I now. :)

Ashley Muir


Jana Dille said...

Thanks so much for this recommendation! I am for sure going to read this now, because we still have issues and any advice helps. Good luck to you and keep us all posted!

Jesse, Devon and Aida said...

Jana you are so awesome for starting this blog. What a great idea to help people who are struggling with the same things. I'll put the address on my blog so more people can see it. Love ya!